Start Your Planning Now!

It might seem pretty easy to forget the wonderful adventures that can be had along the canal once the cold and snow has arrived.  Then again, it seems like a really good time to think about ways you can still enjoy it – such as visiting the museums that are open all year – or planning your spring, summer or autumn trip now!

An invaluable resource is the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor website.  By clicking on that link, you can explore a myriad of options that the corridor has available for you.  The site gives a lot of information not only about great heritage sites, but the canal communities along the way. 

Another great online resource is the Mohawk Valley Region Path Through History website.  The blog has covered information on this before, but the MVPath site does a great job of providing information on historical destinations throughout the valley and is part of a larger I Love NY initiative. 

If your thing is the trails and parks along the Erie Canal or all over New York State then Parks & Trails New York is an online mega-source of information and advocacy.  Schoharie Crossing has a great section of the Canalway Bicycle Path that travels through the site, and every year there are hundreds of cyclists that come through on it – PTNY is a huge advocate and promoter of the path and parks. 

The New York State Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation website is a great way to check out what is happening in NYS Parks and particularly Schoharie Crossing.  Keep up on changing Park opportunities, hours of operation, suggested destinations, directions and contact information.  Also, check out the events page for upcoming programs and more. 

Another super great way to keep up on what is going on at the site is by “Liking” their official Facebook page.  Honestly, finding Schoharie Crossing on Facebook can be a challenge. There is the “Official” page that the site operates and updates - providing valuable information about programs, events and history.  Then there is an automatically generated “destination” profile that people can access to indicate they have “been there.”  Sure fire way to ensure you have “liked” the official page is by using a link provided and seeing the Visitor Center as the profile image. 

If you happen to be the more “tangible” materials kind of person, and would like information about the site sent to you or your organization please either Janice or David at (518) 829-7516 or via email: /


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